Buying a laptop can be a stressful time because there are so many options to choose from. You need to decide what kind of laptop it is that you really need. Are you a student that will be using the computer for basic word processing and internet browsing? Are you a web developer that will be using much processor power for video and pictures? All these things need to go into consideration when purchasing your laptop.

Many people agree that Macs are better for media rich applications such as Photoshop and Flash. Macs have been know to be excellent for those who need fast processing power for video. If you are editing videos more that 50% of the time, I would have to say that the majority of you will be using Macs. Mac repair is a more specialized field so you also need to take this into consideration when purchasing a new computer

On the other hand, if you just need a basic computer for browsing and word processing, a Mac might be too much computer. A PC will do the job great!

Both platforms are highly compatible. It comes down to preference. If you like the Mac OS, you should stick with a Mac. If you like the Windows OS, then stick with a PC.

Macs cost more than PCs.

Bottom of the line computers will be more that plenty fast for basic computing. if you need anything faster, buy the fastest computer that you can afford. It is always better to have too much power then not enough when dealing with processor hogging applications.

I am not biased towards either platform – I use both. They each have their benefits. Buy what you can afford and keep an eye out for those deals.


3 thoughts on “How to Buy the Right Laptop”
  1. I am also, and always have been a windows guy, but I have to admit, mac parts do tend to be made with higher quality than most (not all) pc parts. Unfortunately the PC market is flooded with companies with no standards or pride in their products, and lead to the inevitable hardware fault of most pcs within a few years. Macs are definitely made with higher quality, more proprietary parts, however they are still overpriced even with this said.

  2. Thanks for your great information.I strongly believe that mac is always best for his better service. Whatever its a electronics product.So it has a possibility for creating hardware/software problem.So that if you faced any kind of macbook problem, you can go to this site for your better solution.

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